▷Perks Of Golfing On Best Artificial Grass In Lemon Grove

Four Health Perks of Golfing on the Best Artificial Grass In Lemon Grove

Perks Of Golfing On Best Artificial Grass In Lemon GroveThe best artificial grass in San Diego, doesn’t just create a yard that looks great year-round, it can also give you many health benefits. A lot of people are concerned about the negative aspects of playing on turf when purchasing their new lawn, but research has shown an increase in certain health factors for those who play golf on this surface as opposed to grass fields. Besides the thrill of playing in the comfort of your backyard, here are four health perks of golfing on the best artificial grass in San Diego.

The lack of blades is a major benefit when you’re playing on turf versus real grass. A recent study has shown that nearly 60% of all golfers will report an injury during their round due to hitting their foot or ankle with a blade of grass or cutting themselves while putting. These injuries are typically easy to recover from, but if they become too frequent they can put your game at risk. This study also concluded that there was no significant difference in the level of pain experienced between those who played on artificial turf and those who played on natural surfaces, which means you can enjoy your time out on the green without worrying about pain.

Improves heart health 

Playing a round of golf can be a great cardiovascular workout. If you find yourself struggling to keep up with the rest of the players in your foursome, this perk might be just what you need to stay happy and healthy. In addition, this sport has been known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels while also increasing lung function.

Reduces Stress

You don’t have to go far on the best artificial grass in San Diego before feeling a reduction in your stress levels. The simple act of being outside among lush landscapes is enough to relax the body and mind. After an intense day at work or school, golfing for two hours will remove everyday pollutants from the body while lowering cortisol levels, which are associated with anxiety and depression.

Weight Loss Encouragement

Studies have shown that people who engage in moderate levels of exercise on a regular basis burn calories far faster than those who don’t work out. If you find yourself struggling to keep up with your friends and family on the green, but still want an opportunity to play a sport, give soccer or football a try. These sports offer just as much fun and camaraderie without the risk of injury that comes from playing golf.

Aerobic Exercising

The beautiful thing about artificial turf is that it doesn’t require mowing like grass does. This means more time spent walking the course, putting around for hours on end and enjoying life outside instead of maintaining your lawn. This perk will help you get out there. In addition, golf is a cerebral game that involves long periods of thinking, which itself is an aerobic exercise.

Participating in either of these sports can contribute to a healthier you. Whether it’s your back, joints or well-being that needs assistance, engaging in physical activity is one way to improve your quality of life. To find out more about how you can benefit from the best artificial grass in San Diego , contact Lawn Love today!


To receive your free artificial grass estimate today, or if you have any questions about our excellent service, please do not hesitate to contact the experts at the leading artificial grass and synthetic turf installation company in Lemon Grove. Contact us at (619) 754-970 for more information.